Bob is an International Speaker, Author, Visionary,
and the Founder of Lifest

Bob Lenz has a humorous, down-to-earth style combined with genuine concern. A storyteller at heart, Bob combines his personal experience with in-depth biblical knowledge, awakening understanding and inspiring others to embrace faith in Christ and take the next step closer to God. He captures the audience’s attention immediately and sensitively spans denominational walls.

His rare combination of passion, delivery and substance, both on and off stage, has resulted in Bob Lenz being respected as one of the nation’s top Christian communicators. He shares his message with half a million people each year through community outreaches, festivals, school assemblies, church events, tours and conferences. Bob is known for his highly sought-after school assembly programs on anti-bullying and suicide prevention.

Letter from Bob

Over 40 years of speaking. Schools. Rallies. Conferences. Festivals. Thirty years is a long time for someone who never wanted to be in full-time ministry! As a high school graduate, my career goal was to work for the Village of Little Chute and drive the big dump trucks. But when I graduated high school I was told a position wouldn’t be available for another year.

I determined that while I waited for that job to open up, I would turn my efforts towards sharing the incredible love I found in Jesus. So I enrolled in Bible school with Teen Challenge. When I returned, the dump truck position still hadn’t opened up so I volunteered to sell pizzas door-to-door to help fund Life Line, a 24-hour hotline for hurting individuals. While selling pizzas, I was able to lead four families to Christ. That was in 1982. During this time I was also asked to fill in for my brother, Bill, as a speaker at a regional youth conference. A young freshman girl who heard me that day asked me to come and speak to her public school. It was really scary for a guy who had to go to Special Ed classes for a speech impediment in the first grade! I was told by a high school teacher to never go into public speaking. I ended up speaking in that public school and it was the beginning of a life-long love of reaching youth with the message to find value in every person, choose love and make a difference in the world.

So here I am over 30 years later…a full-time speaker. To be honest, I still want to drive a dump truck, but I know my true calling is to reach teens with the love of Christ. It’s a fire in my bones that can’t be put out. In the first 20 years of ministry, I spoke to one million people. During the next four years, we were in front of another million. Now we reach half a million people each year. My greatest joy is hearing a student tell me he has found hope and new life after having been beaten down by the struggles of life. So I’ll keep traveling. I’ll keep speaking. I’ll keep pressing on. Because when just one person is found by Jesus and they fall in love with Him, it’s all worth it.

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Have you taken the pledge? It’s not just for students ! The world needs this now more than ever ! Please take a moment and sign abd then live it a life time !
Join the many who have and stand up for the VALUE of every person.

#DignityPledge #respect #value #standup
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6 days ago

A Porch a Garage and a Roof top
All made into churches because the government will not let them build churches
Can’t stop the Gospel! Boom ! Hallelujah
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7 days ago

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Jesus said Go into all the World ! Here we GO In Cuba . Here is our team , with WME World Methodist Evangelism ! Amazing people . Pray for Joao Paulo Lopes, Marcellus,Kim Elaine and myself ! Humbled to be with such leaders!
Boom 💥
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7 days ago

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Blessings to you guys in Cuba! May they feel the presence of the Lord

Prayers for safety and God speaking

God's blessings to your travels and ministry work Brother 🙏

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Sitting on a plane in Miami about to take off for a ministry trip to Cuba 🇨🇺 , Yes, for real , only God how this set up , but I have to take a moment to tell you what an amazing team I work with ! I want to highlight the dad of these to adorable boys ! Mitch Racine , a former youth pastor that books all of my speaking engagements as well as wearing other huge hats at Lifest , His wife Brittany works with The International Mission Board with the mission to serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations With Thousands of missionaries. She is on a mission trip to Guatemala, so he’s got the boys alone, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and working , he was still working getting me details at 10 pm last night. ! So pray for me but pray for Mitch , Britt, the work we are doing!!!We really are Sharing LIFE together! Hope Brittney enjoys the guacamole ! 🥑 😂🙏🏾❤️💥 ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

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Love this and praying for all😊🙏💜


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